Jackson's Birds of America and the World Part 17

Jackson's Birds of America and the World

Part 17
Banded Birds and Certificates

Aleutian Cackling Goose, near Galt, California

Caspian Tern, Bodega Bay, California 

190 "Redwood Queen"
Red tag 90
Observed at Pinnacles National Park on 5/13/2021
Flock: Big Sur
Hatched: May 11, 1998
Hatch Location: Los Angeles Zoo
Father: 5 Mother: 36
Currently paired with: 650
Biological Offspring
646  714  753  799  914  1031  1174
Foster Offspring
444  499  624
Biological Siblings
69  70  73  74  94  95  109  112  135  136  184  201  230  277  289  362  421  456  480  506  580  678  685  759  773  809  864  882  903  907  941  957  1010  1064  1119  1138  1155  1184  1194  1206

Black tag 89
Observed at Pinnacles National Park on 5/13/2021
Flock: Pinnacles
Hatched: June 13, 2010
Hatch Location: World Center for Birds of Prey
Father: 83 Mother: 96
Currently paired with: 569
Biological Offspring
878  1078  1145  1215
Foster Offspring
Biological Siblings
258  273  296  381  406  439  466  512  544  619  656  699  762  840  889  945  1134  1220

♀ 961
Two tan tags 61
Observed at Pinnacles National Park on 5/13/2021
Condor (961) was a juvenile released from Pinnacles in November 2020, but unfortunately died from lead poisoning shortly after, in September 2021.

Nuttall's White-crowned Sparrow, near Richmond, California

Ring-necked Pheasant, near Winters, California on 7/27/2022

Sandhill Crane, near Thornton, California

White Stork, near Allmannshofen, Germany on 7/5/2016

White-crowned Sparrow, Point Reyes, California, on 6/8/2021

